About Livefree Int'l

Livefree International empowers you with finacial education and streams of income

Join Livefree International

LIVE FREE INTERNATIONAL (LFI) is the fastest-rising financial innovation from Africa, aimed at educating, equipping, and empowering the Common individual to become financially free, through 21st Century Tech skills acquisition, and a unique system to build passive income for life.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help at least 10,000,000 ordinary individuals all over the world, (starting from Nigeria and Africa) to attain financial freedom, through our very simplified, unique, and highly profitable system

The present economic hardship is not the problem, the question is, "What are you doing about it?"
Life is becoming tougher and more unbearable for the common man. The poor have totally lost hope. Graduates are frustrated with limited job opportunities, and with the evolving AI technology, the few available jobs are about to fizzle out. The cost of living continues to skyrocket, yet the average income of the individual continues to diminish in value.

Given the above situation, stop to ask yourself The following questions: • What are you doing about your present financial situation? • What are you doing about the future you've always hoped for? • Are you aware that your success and financial freedom are not up to the government but up to you? Grumbling and protesting won’t secure your future, and neither will blaming the government.
It's not enough to pray for opportunities, opportunities always present themselves, but you need to recognize and utilize viable opportunities that can change your life when you come across such.

If you want a solid future, you need to create it. You can take charge of your future only when you take control of your source of income!
You don't just need a paid job. The average individual cannot survive on a single stream of income presently.
You need "relevant high-income digital-tech skills which are required in the 21st Century", as well as "a trusted channel to build passive income for life" - these are the two opportunities LiveFree International is offering you today!
If you are ready for these two trusted keys to financial freedom mentioned above, then this life-changing opportunity, LiveFree International (LFI) is the best thing that can happen to you!

If you have read up until this moment, then you are one step into embracing a lifetime opportunity that will change your life completely.
LiveFree International (LFI) is a financial empowerment movement, borne out of a genuine passion to bring an end to unemployment and Poverty in Africa and the rest of the world. This organization gives you an opportunity to be financially equipped, and to also be an agent of financial freedom and liberation to others.
It's a journey to unending financial freedom and impact.
